Saturday, April 21, 2001

zak, don't tempt me to excercise my editing/deleting rights...

Friday, April 20, 2001

Yes, I am going to go teach english to 3yr olds (and also some high schoolers and grown-ups) for at least a year. I would love to see Fosse; are they going to be in tokyo?

Tuesday, April 17, 2001

For anyone interested, my new address, effective May 8th, is:

Elizabeth Germo
c/o Sunny-Side Up!
1-28 Harashinden
Kamikawa-machi, Kodama-gun
Saitama, JAPAN 367-0244

Sunday, April 15, 2001

Good job posting Linda! I put your icon in for you, so now just hit "edit" under your last post and you will see exactly what you need to type to get it to appear next time. My goal is for y'all to have a grasp on this within a week and 1/2, since I will then be leaving the country and might be unable to have internet access for a while. Personally, I'm not thrilled w/this color scheme and layout, so if anyone has any suggestions please pass them on to me.